Hire more confidently
Bighire reviews your job descriptions for quality & competitiveness issues
Then analyzes the flood of resumes to uncover the best candidates

Bighire reviews your job descriptions for quality & competitiveness issues
Then analyzes the flood of resumes to uncover the best candidates
Higher Quality Job Descriptions
More Focused Searches
Faster Processing Times
Maximium Satisfaction for Everyone
Our Quick & Easy Workflow
Get in-depth perspective on your recruiting efforts in hours.
Find better ways to discover and engage your future hires.
Use our quick ~3 minute intake form to collect your job description details.
Our A.I. bots and recruitment pros analyze your docs with the latest natural language processing tools and hiring techniques
You get a basic / expanded report with immediate fixes and insights leading to improved recruitment and retention
Job Descriptions Analyzed
Potential Issues Discovered
Checked and Fixed